Prev – Chapter 7: User Input and Interaction in Pixi.js

Audio is a crucial element in game development, contributing to the overall atmosphere and player experience. In this chapter, we’ll explore how to integrate audio into your Pixi.js games and applications.

Understanding Audio Types

Pixi.js supports various audio formats, including MP3, OGG, and WAV. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each format can help you make informed decisions about audio assets for your project.

  • MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer III): MP3 files offer good audio quality and compression, making them suitable for music and sound effects. However, they may have licensing restrictions.
  • OGG (Ogg Vorbis): OGG is an open and patent-free format known for its high-quality compression. It’s a great choice for game audio and is widely supported.
  • WAV (Waveform Audio File Format): WAV files provide uncompressed, high-quality audio but are larger in size. They are suitable for short sound effects or music tracks when audio quality is paramount.

Before integrating audio, ensure that your audio assets are in a format supported by Pixi.js and that you have the necessary licenses or permissions.

Loading and Managing Audio

To work with audio in Pixi.js, you’ll use the PIXI.Loader to load audio files. You can load multiple audio files simultaneously and listen for events to know when they are ready for use.

Here’s an example of loading audio files:

// Create a loader instance
const loader = PIXI.Loader.shared;

// Add audio files to load
loader.add('backgroundMusic', 'music.mp3');
loader.add('explosionSound', 'explosion.ogg');

// Listen for when the loader finishes
loader.load((loader, resources) => {
    // The audio files are loaded and available as resources
    const backgroundMusic = resources.backgroundMusic.sound;
    const explosionSound = resources.explosionSound.sound;

    // Play the background music;

In this code:

  • We create a PIXI.Loader instance and add audio files to load.
  • We listen for the load event to know when the audio files are ready.
  • Once loaded, we access the audio resources using resources.audioKey.sound and can play them.

Playing Audio

Pixi.js provides a simple API for playing audio. You can control playback, volume, looping, and more.

Here’s an example of playing audio:

// Play background music;

// Pause audio

// Resume audio

// Stop audio

// Set volume (0 to 1)
backgroundMusic.volume = 0.5;

// Loop audio
backgroundMusic.loop = true;

In this code, we demonstrate basic audio playback control, including playing, pausing, resuming, stopping, adjusting volume, and enabling looping.

Audio Sprites

Audio sprites are a useful way to manage multiple sound effects in a single audio file. This can help reduce the number of HTTP requests when loading assets.

To work with audio sprites in Pixi.js, you can use libraries like Howler.js, which seamlessly integrate with Pixi.js and provide advanced features for audio playback.

Audio in Game Events

Audio can enhance game events and feedback, such as playing a victory fanfare when a level is completed or triggering a sound effect when an object collides. You can use event listeners and conditionals to control when and how audio is played.

Here’s an example of triggering a sound effect when a sprite is clicked:

const clickableSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
clickableSprite.interactive = true;

clickableSprite.on('click', () => {
    // Play a sound effect when the sprite is clicked;


In this code, we create a clickable sprite and play a sound effect when it’s clicked.

Audio Optimization

Optimizing audio assets is essential for performance and minimizing loading times. Consider the following tips:

  • Compress audio files to reduce their size while maintaining acceptable quality.
  • Use audio sprites to group multiple sound effects into a single file.
  • Load and play audio dynamically as needed to avoid loading large audio files upfront.


In this chapter, you’ve learned how to integrate audio into your Pixi.js games and applications. You now understand the different audio formats, loading and managing audio resources, playing audio, and how to use audio to enhance game events and feedback.

Audio is a powerful tool for creating immersive and engaging experiences in your projects. In the next chapter, we’ll explore optimization techniques to ensure your Pixi.js games and applications run smoothly and efficiently.

Next: Chapter 9: Optimizing Pixi.js Games and Applications