Previous: Chapter 3: Displaying Graphics with Pixi.js

In the world of game development, managing scenes and screens is essential for creating organized and interactive gameplay experiences. In this chapter, we’ll explore how to structure your Pixi.js games by dividing them into scenes and screens, allowing you to control the flow of your game.

Designing Game Scenes

A game scene is a self-contained portion of your game with a specific purpose, such as a main menu, level, or settings screen. Scenes help organize your game’s content and logic, making it easier to maintain and extend.

Scene Components

A typical game scene may consist of the following components:

  1. Game Objects: These are the elements that make up the scene, such as characters, obstacles, items, and user interface elements.
  2. Game Logic: The logic that governs the behavior of objects within the scene, including game rules, physics, and interactions.
  3. User Interface (UI): Menus, buttons, and HUD elements that allow players to interact with the scene.
  4. Graphics and Visuals: The background, foreground, and graphical assets that define the scene’s appearance.

Scene Transition

Transitions between scenes are crucial for creating a seamless player experience. You can implement various transition effects, such as fade-ins, slide-ins, or crossfades, to smoothly move from one scene to another.

Implementing Scene Transitions

Pixi.js provides tools to manage scenes and transition between them. One common approach is to use a container to group all the objects and graphics related to a scene. When transitioning between scenes, you can simply show or hide the appropriate container.

Here’s a simple example of implementing scene transitions in Pixi.js:

// Create containers for different scenes
const mainMenuContainer = new PIXI.Container();
const gameContainer = new PIXI.Container();
const settingsContainer = new PIXI.Container();

// Add objects and graphics to each container
// ...

// Initially, only show the main menu

// Transition to the game scene
function startGame() {
    // Additional game initialization logic here

// Transition to the settings scene
function openSettings() {
    // Additional settings screen logic here

// Return to the main menu
function returnToMainMenu() {

In this code:

  • We create separate containers for the main menu, game, and settings scenes.
  • Initially, only the main menu container is added to the stage.
  • When starting the game or opening the settings screen, we remove the main menu container and add the corresponding scene container.
  • To return to the main menu, we remove the game and settings containers and add the main menu container again.

This approach allows you to manage different scenes efficiently.

Handling Multiple Screens

Within a scene, you might have multiple screens, such as character selection, inventory, or a pause menu. Each screen should be self-contained, with its own set of objects, logic, and graphics.

Here’s how you can structure screens within a scene:

// Create a container for the main game scene
const gameSceneContainer = new PIXI.Container();

// Create containers for different screens within the game scene
const gameplayScreen = new PIXI.Container();
const pauseScreen = new PIXI.Container();
const gameOverScreen = new PIXI.Container();

// Add objects and graphics to each screen container
// ...

// Initially, show the gameplay screen

You can toggle between screens within the game scene by adding or removing their corresponding containers.

Scene Management Libraries

While you can implement scene management manually as shown above, there are also libraries and frameworks available that can simplify the process. Some popular libraries for managing scenes and screens in Pixi.js include:

  • pixi-display: Allows you to control the rendering order of objects, making it easier to manage layers and scenes.
  • PixiJS-Scenes: Provides a structured way to manage scenes and transition between them.
  • pixi-scenes: A scene management library with support for asynchronous scene loading.

Using these libraries can save you development time and provide additional features for managing scenes and screens.


In this chapter, you’ve learned the importance of managing scenes and screens in Pixi.js game development. Properly structuring your game into scenes and implementing smooth transitions between them can greatly improve the player’s experience and help you maintain a well-organized codebase.

In the next chapter, we’ll dive into the world of sprites and animations, allowing you to bring your game characters and objects to life.

Next: Chapter 5: Sprites and Animation with Pixi.js